Assalamualaikum & hi to all,
Semoga semuanya sihat & bahagia saat dan ketika ini. I have an important announcement to make here. Actually since ada anak ni I turn-down a lot of orders. Being a mum and a housewife, I really have to juggle my time between my kids and the household chores. So after a deep thinking, I decided that I want to concentrate on my family first. Actually sedih gak ni. Tapi kalau dah asyik tolak order jer sama je cam tutup kedai kan. hehe...
At the moment, I am not able to take any orders; small or big. Since my kids is still small and at this stage they really need my attention and I really want to take this opportunity to be with them. At the same time I need to make sure I get enough rest for myself too... I think all mothers out there understand what I feel right now.
Yang pasti, I will still bake and share my passion with you guys here. Actually I have a lot of recipes to try. Cuma tunggu masa nak buat jer... Bila la tu agaknya... But I need to tell you that baking is a therapy for me. Apa-apa pun I will definitely have something to share with you in future. Kalau tak banyak, sikit mesti ada.. insyaAllah...
Sekarang pun kat mana-mana dah banyak orang buat kelas untuk kek & decoration and I was informed that my customers pun ada yang dah pandai buat kek sendiri. (Tapi jangan salah faham. I takde buat kelas. Diorang belajar kat tempat lain.) Seronoknya dengar... sebab diorang pun akan tahu rasa bestnyer bila dapat bake a cake, decorate them, tengok hasilnya and people love it. Kalau dah terror tu apa lagi.. boleh la buat bisnes kan. Seronok gak bila tengok sekarang ni dah ramai orang kita yang buat bisnes kek ni. At least kita confident yang kek tu halal & bersih kan. Alhamdulillah, semoga semua yang berbisnes tu akan success ya!
Lastly, I want to thank to people out there yang support me all this time until now. LOVE you all!!!
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