Dida Delights

Kami bantu anda sediakan wedding doorgift yang unik, sedap & khas untuk tetamu di hari penting & istimewa anda.
Uniknya doorgift kami adalah seleksi kerepek & makanan tradisional yang disertakan bersama doorgift. Ia pastinya membawa nostalgia yang tersendiri untuk hari istimewa anda.

SMS @ WhatsApp ~ 019-906 1636 ~ Email: didadelights@gmail.com ~
Location: Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Manchester United Fan

49pcs of medium size, moist chocolate flavour

These cuppies ordered by a customer for her husband, an MU fan. Actually she ordered for 50pcs but it cannot fit the box so the extra 1 I put into a container & handed it to the her husband. But tak sempat to take the photo.

At first I was quite nervous to do MU logo design since I'm not really good in art. So, I surf the net to know more about MU, as well as the players.

The customer requested me to deliver the cuppies to PWTC. I think, nasib baik because I familiar with that area. So on the delivery date, me & my husband pun hantar la ke PWTC. I tak tahu kat PWTC ada exhibition masa tu. Parking PWTC full. Hotel sebelah pun full. So akibat tak membuat research before delivery, we have to pusing 3 kali before dapat cari parking.

Tapi okay gak. I got new experience sbb buat research pasal MU. Second lesson is kalau nak buat delivery to PWTC kena check dulu ada exhibition kat tak kat situ. Hehe...

1 comment:

aidie said...

tq dear for the cuppies..ramai offiemate i tny mana order :)